Statistical data such as income statements, balance sheets and loan statistics are prepared and approved for release by the Office of the Controller. 类似损益表、资产负债表以及贷款统计报表这样的统计数据都需要由财务管理办公室准备及审核。
In the mid-1970s, people had to meet certain unwritten qualifications of race and gender in order to work in the business loan office, the bank's most prestigious department. 七十年代中期若要在银行中最有地位的商业借贷部门工作,必须符合某些不成文的种族和性别资格。
AIG secured a tiny savings and loan, which permitted it, in 1999, to choose the Federal Office of Thrift Supervision to regulate the holding company and its non-insurance operations, including the now-infamous financial products unit. aig有一家小型储蓄及贷款机构,因此可以在1999年选择美国联邦储蓄管理局(ots)来监管其控股公司和非保险业务,包括如今臭名昭著的金融产品(financialproducts)部门。
In order to explore effective and efficient ways for improving Reproductive Health ( RH) services in poor rural China, the Foreign Loan Office of the Ministry of Health is carrying out A Reproductive Health Improvement Project ( RHIP). 探讨在中国农村贫困地区改善生育卫生服务的有效途径,卫生部国外贷款办公室在福特基金会的资助下,开展了改善生育卫生服务项目~([1])。