loan office

英 [ləʊn ˈɒfɪs] 美 [loʊn ˈɑːfɪs]




  1. Statistical data such as income statements, balance sheets and loan statistics are prepared and approved for release by the Office of the Controller.
  2. In the mid-1970s, people had to meet certain unwritten qualifications of race and gender in order to work in the business loan office, the bank's most prestigious department.
  3. AIG secured a tiny savings and loan, which permitted it, in 1999, to choose the Federal Office of Thrift Supervision to regulate the holding company and its non-insurance operations, including the now-infamous financial products unit.
  4. In order to explore effective and efficient ways for improving Reproductive Health ( RH) services in poor rural China, the Foreign Loan Office of the Ministry of Health is carrying out A Reproductive Health Improvement Project ( RHIP).



  1. an office where loans are negotiated and repaid

    1. a shop where loans are made with personal property as security

        Synonym:    pawnbroker's shoppawnshop